Changelog 12

June 4, 2023

Our team at Prewitt Ridge is excited to announce the latest updates and enhancements to Verve. This release focuses on improving the user experience, enhancing functionality, and addressing some key bugs. Here's a summary of the changes you can expect:

Frontend Improvements

User-Defined Unique IDs

  • To facilitate better identification, user-defined unique IDs (UDIDs) have been implemented in the Table View and Single Item View. Users can configure and customize the format of these IDs according to their specific requirements. Some potential use cases include:
  • Specific paragraph numbers from customer source requirements.
  • Part numbers for components your Bill of Materials.
  • Internal Requirement or Verification Event identifiers

Read-only User Capabilities

  • Allow read-only users to review and make comments: We have extended the capabilities of read-only users, enabling them to review items and contribute valuable comments, fostering collaboration and engagement across various user types

Bulk Item Actions

  • We have introduced the functionality for users to bulk import items from a CSV file, simplifying the process of manually adding multiple items to an existing project.
  • We have introduced the ability to select multiple items simultaneously, empowering users to perform bulk actions on items (such as lock, unlock, and delete) more efficiently and save time.

Table View

  • Users can now conveniently view all requirements associated with a specific project in the Table View, enabling efficient tracking and management of project-related requirements.
  • We have added a dedicated reviewers column with filtering options. This enhancement simplifies the identification and management of reviewers.
  • Users now have the flexibility to add new items with a parent associated directly from the table view, providing a seamless experience and eliminating the need for navigating to other sections.

Single Item View

  • In the SIV, users now have the option to add child items, as well as the ability to delete an item directly from SIV.
  • To provide more context and information, we have implemented tooltips for remote resource icons.
  • Users can now add, edit, and delete categories directly from the Single Item View, providing more flexibility and control over item categorization.

Graph View

  • We have polished the view by removing the "Project Root" element, resulting in a cleaner and more intuitive visualization of your data.
  • To simplify data navigation, we have introduced pan and zoom capabilities on Graph View. You can now easily zoom in and out of the graph and pan to different areas, improving the overall user experience.

Backend Improvements

  • We have implemented an automated process that generates models from swagger files, improving the development workflow and reducing manual effort.
  • Our authentication flow has been upgraded to utilize device authorization, enhancing security measures while eliminating the need for users to bypass security warning messages.

Bug Fixes

  • Addressed an issue related to the management of archived relationships, allowing for proper handling and accurate data representation.
  • Resolved a bug that was affecting new user creation on deployed systems, ensuring a smooth onboarding experience for all users.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented items from being unlocked properly, so that items can now be accessed and modified as intended.
  • Addressed an issue that caused duplicate pages to render within the Workshop View, ensuring a more coherent experience.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed empty Unit IDs for Atomics. The UI and API now enforce proper validation, preventing the creation of Atomics without valid Unit IDs.


  • As part of ongoing improvements and focusing our efforts on FE Next, we have disabled FE Classic from future deployments.
  • We have implemented and deployed service-to-service authentication, enhancing security measures and ensuring secure communication between different services within the platform.