Changelog 7

June 24, 2022

What's New in Verve

Our latest release brings significant improvements in data portability, plus a preview release for Verve v2, including Grid View. Our team has been working behind the scenes to ensure smooth operations for all our customers.

  • Our CSV import process has expanded substantially. We now support creation from one of several templates, plus round-trip modification of a database. You can read more about this feature on our Help site.
  • Our v2 interface has a Preview release, pushed to all Compliant Cloud tier customers. We will push this to Freemium in the coming weeks. This includes the Grid View, plus our in-depth Single Item View

Thank you again for your ongoing support, and please let me know directly if there's anything we can do to help you in your effort of building great products.


Preview: Grid View


Grid View offers greater data density and rapid updating of the items that describe your overall system. Fully compatible with our existing views, this allows teams to graduate from early-concept capture to deeply complex system designs.  

New: CSV Import and Files Highlight

files panel

We've improved our CSV importer to be more robust on import, as well as handle "round trip" import/exports. Read more about it on our help site.

Additionally, the Files panel now offers a quick view of all the files uploaded to a project, as well as their upstream and downstream impacts.

Release Notes

See below for a detailed list of changes in this release. It's since been rolled out to our existing cloud customers, and has been made available in our delivery repo for our self-hosted customers.

Most of these updates not otherwise detailed in the above discussion were either technical debt resolution or incremental work supporting our v2 frontend.

Core Product

  • Updated spreadsheet import
  • v2 Grid View pre-release
  • v2 Tree View pre-release
  • v2 Single Item View pre-release

Bugfixes and Technical Debt

  • Some onboarding flows would see an infinite refresh loop while a user was inactive.
  • Multiple changes across all repos to support rapid deployment of new instances for customers.
  • Resolved an API bug where if a PUT Item call did not include the item's title, the server would interpret that as an "empty" title thus clearing the title; now need to explicitly send an empty string to remove the title.
  • Allowing orphaned items when a parent item is deleted. Previously, when an item was deleted, it would also clean up all "orphaned" items with no path to the Project Root. Since v2's Grid View doesn't require a Project Root, these are no longer orphaned, but instead just hidden from the classic frontend view.
  • Items support both v1 and v2 style rich text editors.